Back on August 6th, Madison and I went up to Billings to pick up a couple of heifer calves at the auction. We went in on the purchase with a neighbor. The black cow was 565 pounds and the brown cow was 735. Since then, they have been on the neighbors pasture. On 11/16, we tried to bring them down to our place. If someone had a video camera, it would have been on America's funniest videos. We were unsuccessful. We decided to put panels around their water tank. That next day, they were easily trapped and put into the trailer. Once ready, we are hoping to sell one, and keep the other for meat. Hopefully we know what we are doing.
The first day that we had them at our place Ashton asked Shannon "Are you going to cook the cows while I am at school?" I just envisioned Shannon having a cow in a pan on our stove. It was a funny picture. Our girls have not gotten used to the fact, that we eat our chickens and will eat our cow.